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Install DRBD (Optional)

If you need to use high-availability data volumes, enable DRBD when deploying HwameiStor. Here is how to install it.

Install DRBD while installing HwameiStor

You can directly enable the DRBD component when installing HwameiStor. For details, please refer to Install HwameiStor with Operator.

Install with UI

  1. Go to Container Management -> Helm Charts, and select drbd-adapter.

  2. Click drbd-adapter, click Install , and enter the configuration page.


    • Namespace : It is recommended to deploy in the same namespace as HwameiStor. The namespace created in this example is HwameiStor.
    • Version : Select the latest version by default.
    • Deletion failed : Turned off by default. When enabled, it will wait for the application to be installed by default, and will delete the installation in case of installation failure.
    • Wait : Turned off by default. When enabled, it will wait for all resources associated with the application to be ready before marking the application as successfully installed.
    • Detailed Logs : Turned off by default. Enable detailed output of installation process logs.
  3. Click OK to complete the creation.

Install with Helm

Deploy the following DaemonSet. It will start a pod on each Kubernetes worker node to install the DRBD module and tools.

helm repo add drbd-adapter
helm repo update drbd-adapter
helm pull drbd-adapter/drbd-adapter --untar
helm install drbd-adapter ./drbd-adapter -n hwameistor --create-namespace


Users in Chinese mainland can use the image repository for acceleration:

helm install drbd-adapter ./drbd-adapter \
    -n hwameistor --create-namespace \
    --set imagePullPolicy=Always \
