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Install DCE 5.0 Enterprise on OpenShift OCP

This page describes how to install DCE 5.0 on OCP.


  • The default Kubernetes versions supported by DCE 5.0 are v1.22.x, v1.23.x, v1.24.x, v1.25.x, v1.26.x
  • Already have an OCP environment, and the version is not lower than v1.22.x
  • Prepare a private container registry and ensure that the cluster can access it
  • Ensure sufficient resources, it is recommended that the cluster has at least 12 cores and 24 GB of available resources

Offline installation

  1. Log in to the Control plane node through the bastion host.

  2. Download the full mode offline package, you can download the latest version in Download Center.

    CPU Architecture Version Download URL
    AMD64 v0.21.0
    ARM64 v0.21.0

    Unzip the offline package after downloading:

    # Take the amd64 architecture offline package as an example
    tar -xvf offline-v0.21.0-amd64.tar
  3. Set clusterConfig.yaml, which can be obtained under the offline package offline/sample and modified as needed.

    The reference configuration is:

    kind: ClusterConfig
      creationTimestamp: null
        type: metallb # suggest metallb
        istioGatewayVip: 10.5.14.XXX/32
        insightVip: 10.5.14.XXX/32
      fullPackagePath: /home/offline # offline package directory
        type: external
        externalImageRepo: http://10.5.14.XXX:XXXX # Private container registry address
        externalImageRepoUsername: admin
        externalImageRepoPassword: Harbor12345
  4. Configure the manifest file (optional), which can be obtained under the offline package offline/sample and modified as needed.

    !!! note

     If you want to use `hwameiStor` as StorageClass, please make sure there is no default StorageClass in the current cluster.
     If present, it needs to be removed. If it is not removed, the default StorageClass needs to close `hwameiStor`, that is, change the value of enable to `fasle`.
  5. Start the installation of DCE 5.0.

    ./offline/dce5-installer install-app -m ./offline/sample/manifest.yaml -c ./offline/sample/clusterConfig.yaml --platform openshift -z

    !!! note

     Some parameters are introduced, and more parameters can be viewed through `./dce5-installer --help`:
     - `-z` minimal install
     - `-c` specifies the cluster configuration file, and does not need to specify -c when using NodePort to expose the console
     - `-d` enable debug mode
     - `--platform` is used to declare which Kubernetes distribution to deploy DCE 5.0 on, currently only supports openshift
     - `--serial` specifies that all installation tasks are executed serially
  6. After the installation is complete, the command line will prompt that the installation is successful. congratulations! 😄 Now you can use the default account and password (admin/changeme) to explore the new DCE 5.0 through the URL prompted on the screen!


    !!! success

     Please record the prompted URL for your next visit.
  7. After successfully installing DCE 5.0 Enterprise, please contact us for authorization: email or call 400 002 6898.
