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Releases Notes

This page lists the release notes for Workbench to help you understand the development and feature changes in each version.



New Features

  • Added support for global pipeline templates.
  • Added support for pipeline group management.


  • Improved that after selecting v2 for the pipeline DAG, the next time entering that interface will default to v2.


  • Fixed an issue where GitOps failed to create the same Git repository in different workspaces, requiring ArgoCD to be upgraded to v2.12.0, as the Addon offline package for v0.21.0 already includes this version's Chart package.
  • Fixed an issue in obtaining the cloud-native gateway during gray release.
  • Fixed the incorrect template rendered by gitops-deploy.
  • Fixed an issue message when the native application fails to retrieve the routing list.



New Features

  • Added support for custom steps in pipelines
  • Added support for continuous deployment to access ArgoCD UI to view application topology
  • Added support for refresh and hard refresh in continuous deployment


  • Improved the calculation method for pipeline running status


  • Fixed an issue where choice type parameters defined in the pipeline template Jenkinsfile could not render correctly
  • Fixed an issue where Admin could not approve when the reviewer was empty
  • Fixed an issue where native applications could not display all namespace resources
  • Fixed an issue where newly created resource types in native applications could not be displayed
  • Fixed an issue where the pipeline start time was empty
  • Fixed an issue where the content of SSH type credentials could not be cleared



New Features

  • Added a feature of running pipelines from a specified stage.


  • Improved pipeline DAG, allowing for switching between old and new versions. Note: Saving pipelines across different versions is prohibited as it may cause compatibility issues.
  • Improved auto-completion in the Jenkinsfile editor.
  • Improved support for integrating with older versions of SonarQube.
  • Improved the API to support embedding ArgoCD UI in the GitOps details page.
  • Improved the API to support creating, deleting, updating, and retrieving custom pipeline steps.


  • Fixed incorrect audit log names.

Known Issues

  • In v0.28.2, once pipeline webhooks are enabled, they cannot be disabled. An upgrade to v0.28.3 is required to resolve this issue.



New Features

  • Added support for creating SSH credentials.


  • Improved error messages for namespace creation.
  • Improved information returned by the Sonarqube code scan results API.
  • Improved support for operations related to rollouts created natively.
  • Improved the API to now support rerunning pipelines from a specified stage.
  • Improved support for enabling both pipeline webhooks and code source triggers simultaneously.


  • Fixed an issue when updating SSH credentials.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect pagination offset calculation.



New Features

  • Added support management of integrated code repositories
  • Added support cloning code repositories
  • Added support creating branches/tags


  • Improved support searching across all namespaces for helm, olm, native applications, and canary release applications
  • Improved running status to workload list and when retrieving resources for workload types
  • Improved support installation status of kube-app-manager
  • Improved to remove credentials when creating applications from Git/Jar

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed failure to retrieve multi-branch pipeline logs
  • Fixed incorrect start time for pipeline runs
  • Fixed error in fuzzy search for namespaces
  • Fixed incomplete pipeline logs
  • Fixed creation of native applications after failed creation from Git/Jar



New Features

  • Added the creation interface and logic for native applications, support creating workload resources separately


  • Improved webhook callback logic for SonarQube
  • Improved Automatically fill in container names when enabling specific container steps after defining labels for pipelines

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed rendering of pipeline DAG failed for built-in pipeline templates
  • Fixed empty configuration in casc when removing SonarQube integration
  • Fixed casc configuration not being updated when integrating SonarQube in workspace
  • Fixed loss of credentials, SonarQube configurations, and email configurations after switching Jenkins instances




  • Added Pipeline support for CI Kanban overview
  • Added Ability to terminate GitOps application synchronization
  • Added Ability to view events for GitOps applications
  • Added Support for canary release based on Contour


  • Improved Added health status for GitOps applications: paused, missing, and unknown
  • Improved Provided commit, comment, and author information for synced and latest git repository, and version information for helm repository
  • Improved Canary release based on ContourPlugin no longer depends on a specific version of Contour SDK


  • Fixed an issue where creating an application with dryRun option still creates the application



New Features

  • Added support for integration with Nexus and related operations
  • Added support for integration with Testlink and related operations


  • Improved token creation method when creating applications based on Git/Jar
  • Improved unification of fields related to cpu and memory in OAM application UI

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed image address for the contour plugin
  • Fixed an issue when adding a resource type trait to an OAM application
  • Fixed incorrect return value when rolling back a native application
  • Fixed an issue where an OAM application is not reconciled by the controller after rolling back
  • Fixed an issue in modifying casc file when removing integration with SonarQube
  • Fixed an issue where instances can be queried across different workspaces
  • Fixed an issue of incorrect resource count displayed in the native application topology



New Features

  • Added sensitive operations to audit log
  • Added support for adding global environment variables to pipelines
  • Added support for deploying applications and updating application images in pipelines
  • Added support for deploying SonarQube toolchain


  • Improved API to support searching Jenkins node labels
  • Improved API to support integrating Jenkins across clusters
  • Improved pipeline templates with parameter validation
  • Improved each component service to expose golang metrics and pprof pages
  • Improved API to support rolling back native application versions
  • Improved deployment of applications from git/jar using serviceAccountToken to avoid permission escape


  • Fixed error when exporting application template and creating version for native applications without istio installed in the target cluster
  • Fixed failure to fetch git/tag when ArgoCD is installed in a specified namespace
  • Fixed an issue with content changing after saving pipeline templates.



New Features

  • Added support for creating OLM applications
  • Added support for editing OLM application YAML
  • Added support for deleting OLM applications
  • Added support for request-based feature rollout with Istio
  • Added native application version management (create, delete, update, retrieve)
  • Added export template for native applications


  • Improved API now supports returning the installation status of argocd/kubevela components
  • Improved git remote branches and tags can now be searched
  • Improved regular expression validation for multi-branch pipelines input
  • Improved an interface to check feature gate status (frontend only displays when enabled)
  • Improved an interface to create kube-app-manager
  • Improved Upgraded argo-rollout chart version to v2.32.0


  • Fixed bug causing errors in checking project binding relationships for kangaroo
  • Fixed issues related to control plane namespace when creating OAM applications
  • Fixed error in form git/jar deployment caused by Kubernetes CD plugin
  • Fixed an issue where non-listed users were able to approve pipelines issue
  • Fixed pipeline configuration errors caused by sync pipelines
  • Fixed an issue where type reset occurred during rollout updates



New Features

  • Added integration with GitLab using access token
  • Added status field for native applications
  • Added API integration with kolm
  • Added CRUD APIs for multicloud applications
  • Added ability to add triggers in pipelines, automatically adding webhooks in GitLab, and triggering pipelines based on related events


  • Improved Retrieval of SonaQube scan results is no longer bound to specific run records, rather it retrieves from the latest run record
  • Improved alignment between recent pipeline records and last run records
  • Improved handling logic for resources bound to the workspace in event listeners
  • Improved error message prompt when unable to connect to KubeVela

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed creation failure of control plane namespace when resource quotas were set for Global clusters
  • Fixed ability to bind control plane namespace to multiple workspaces
  • Fixed successful creation of control plane namespace even if the namespace is already deleted
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect comparison of multi-branch pipeline configurations
  • Fixed an issue with missing dbName in link queries



New Features

  • Added support for navigating to Jira to view details in the Issues interface
  • Added status indicators for clusters
  • Added editing YAML, adding components, editing components, editing operational features, and other functionalities for OAM applications
  • Added support for sorting pipelines based on recent run time
  • Added support for Sonarqube configuration and code quality result steps in pipelines
  • Added integration of Sonarqube instances in the toolchain
  • Added default binding of native applications when creating applications based on git, jar, and container images in the wizard


  • Improved steps to integrate gitlab with jenkins credentials
  • Improved display of binding time and added a division for sonarqube instances with bound workspaces in the administrator view
  • Fixed an issue of the cache not expiring in apiserver



New Features

  • Added permission support for running pipelines in the pipeline module.
  • Added support for updating and deleting native applications and their subresources.
  • Added basic functionality for creating and managing OAM (Open Application Model) applications.
  • Added installed Kubevela open-source components.
  • Added support for automatic and manual synchronization of toolchain resources, along with corresponding metric indicators.
  • Added version information to pipeline templates.
  • Added support for creating native applications and viewing their resource information.
  • Added cluster-wide check for nginx ingress-class.


  • Fixed an issue where an error occurred on the native application list page when the target cluster did not have the CRD (Custom Resource Definition) for native applications installed.
  • Fixed an issue where no values were modified when updating pipeline credentials, resulting in a null return when password information was not returned.
  • Fixed an issue where the orphan policy for multi-branch pipelines showed as -1 when it was empty.


  • Improved API handling for exceptional scenarios in pipelines.
  • Improved a status field to display the runtime status of clusters in the API.
  • Improved hardcoding to support deployment in different namespaces.
  • Improved When integrating with GitLab, returning the GitLab address.
  • Improved Returning toolchainID when integrating GitLab with Jenkinsfile-based pipelines and multi-branch pipelines.




  • Fixed an issue with abnormal operations in the canary release tasks.



New Features

  • Added API now supports selecting integrated code repositories using code selectors.
  • Added support for nginx-ingress based canary release policy.
  • Added API now supports resource topology for applications.
  • Added API unified credentials.
  • Added version information to pipeline templates.
  • Added support for creating native applications and viewing their resource information.


  • Fixed an issue where containers in container images didn't support underscores.
  • Fixed an issue with replica numbers in blue-green deployments.
  • Fixed an issue where the orphan policy for multi-branch pipelines showed as -1 when it was empty.


  • Improved retry functionality to the http-client of the jira-provider, improving the handling speed of pipeline events.
  • Improved the handling speed of pipeline events.
  • Improved pipeline templates for from-git and from-jar.
  • Improved the URL for requesting Jenkins, for both regular pipelines and multi-branch pipelines.



New Features

  • Independent observability-related configurations when creating applications, including metrics, tracing, and JVM monitoring
  • Toolchains support Jenkins integration
  • Creation and management of multi-branch pipelines
  • Toolchain integration capabilities from an administrator's view
  • API support for blue/green release, including creation, deletion, rollback, upgrade, and details


  • When an administrator binds a project to a specific workspace, the associated toolchain instance details cannot be obtained
  • IMAGE_TAG is set to latest in the corresponding template file when it is empty during application creation based on a jar package or a git repo


  • Unified toolchain interface



New Features

  • More options for container configuration (lifecycle, environment variables, and data storage)
  • Jira toolchain integration interface, including CRUD for Jira instances and the list of instance projects
  • Fuzzy query of Defect List to query type, status, priority in Defect List
  • List/watch mechanism for SMTP configuration for Ghippo, supporting email notification of Jenkins
  • Creation of custom roles
  • API support for Jenkins integration in toolchains, to get Jenkins list and details
  • API support for multi-branch pipelines
  • Test reports in the page of pipeline running record details
  • SVN and Junit collection test report steps for the pipeline
  • Creation of pipelines based on templates
  • Creation of custom pipeline templates


  • Adjusted CPU and memory parameters for Jenkins


  • Cannot search toolchain data if page is less than 0



New Features

  • API support for creating pipelines using built-in templates
  • API support for creating, updating, and deleting custom templates
  • apiserver and devopserver can access Jenkins using the https protocol
  • event-proxy component supports Jenkins event persistence
  • Retry and rate limit when accessing Jenkins


  • The prompt message when rerunning a pipeline fails


  • Inconsistency between the credentials in the database and Jenkins
  • Gray releases could be created successfully even with traffic ratios greater than 100%



New Features

  • Support for cascading delete, allowing you to select the resources you want to delete based on your actual needs
  • Gray release supports editing YAML
  • The Chart for deploying Workbench no longer includes Jenkins. You can install Jenkins using a separate Helm Chart


  • Downloaded artifact reports are no longer fully cached in apiserver ; they are partly cached through io chunking mode forwarding


  • Error when adding private repositories during continuous deployment.



New Features

  • Creating applications now supports enabling traditional microservices and service meshes at the same time
  • Fuzzy search is supported for gray releases
  • Fuzzy search and status retrievals are supported for continuous deployment
  • Fuzzy search and status retrievals are supported for gitops repositories
  • An interface to get json data based on GVR
  • An interface to get helm information, which can deploy helm charts through argocd
  • Hot reloading of Jenkins configuration files and syncer configuration files
  • The return value of the ListRegistry interface adds a field indicating whether Nacos authentication is required
  • API for pipeline artifact report list
  • API for downloading artifact reports
  • Pipeline step log supports obtaining the full log
  • Interface for querying plugin information added caching
  • Copy existing pipelines to generate new pipelines
  • Customizable metric monitoring path when enabling the new application to be added into a registry in the Microservices module
  • Integration with Jenkins trace
  • The return value of the ListWorkload interface adds application-related resources


  • Accidental panic when rerunning the pipeline
  • Errors related to instrumentation image offline used in microservice tracing
  • Failure of analyzing monitoring statistics of gray releases
  • Supports setting argo-rollouts controller replicas



New Features

  • Integration with Ghippo and Skoala trace
  • Pipeline steps to check images when helm packages are offline
  • A solution for invalid credentials after adding migration Jenkins
  • Fuzzy search for credential list by name


  • Use jvm parameters to reduced Jenkins memory usage when without workloads
  • Repository connectivity test when creating gitops modules
  • Changed real-time synchronization of pipeline running status and other information to lazy loading
  • Optimized the api release process to support separate release


  • Endless rollback if app creation fails when Microservice modules is enabled
  • ArgoCD application deployment/deletion fails and invalid credentials due to changes in the kubeconfig of the cluster



New Features

  • Gitops repository, supporting import and delete
  • Synchronization for gitops applications


  • The process of integrating an application into a service mesh


  • Admin users fail to authenticate deployment target (cluster/namespace)
  • Invalida date error of the creation time, sync start time, and sync end time of gitops applications
  • Error of getting data about the Nacos registry list
  • Error that occurs when sorting workloads by name
  • Loss of cluster and namespace in the destionation of ArgoCD after unbinding and then re-binding the cluster
  • Loss of binding relationship between namespace and workspace due to update of namesapce label
  • Error of trigger conversion when synching Jenkins config to a database after completing the pipeline
  • Error that kubeconfig credentials in a ArgoCD cluster and in Jenkins are not synchronized due to changes in the kubeconfig of the cluster
  • Out-of-order list and paging issues of the repository list
  • Cannot upload a jar package larger than 32M



New Features

  • Continuous release of jenkins-agent image
  • The option to use the mysql component from DCE 5.0 data service module as the database
  • Upgrad Jenkins from 2.319.1 to 2.346.2, and kubernetes plugin to 3734.v562b_b_a_627ea_c, along with other related plugins


  • Improved performance for obtaining rollout image lists, application group lists, and native application lists
  • The image used in creating app from jar packages is provided by env variable, instead of being hardcoded in the source code. Also ensure that the whole DCE 5.0 install package can obtain that image


  • Rollout cannot be distinguished under different workspaces
  • Unauthenticated gitops module
  • Occasional incorrect status of pipeline steps
  • Empty description of helm chart
  • Storage is not verified during namespace creation
  • Out-of-order and paging error of list argocd repository
  • Cannot upload a jar package larger than 32M
  • Cannot obtain the full log if the pipeline log is too large
